Friday, December 29, 2006

Thank you mum!

I used my "Christmas" money from my mum to get a couple of bits I wanted online, and I received them yesterday!

My new Adobe Photoshop Elements 4.0 is now installed, though it will take me awhile to get used to all the extra features and new layout after using Elements 2.0 for such a long time.

I also got my Bedlam Bards "On the Drift" CD. For those that don't know them, the Bedlam Bards  are an American Folk group who describe their music thusly:

When people ask what kind of music we play, we often say Celtic, but in fact we play "Renfolk Music," that unique blend of Celtic, English, Scandinavian, and American folk music mixed in with period tunes from the Renaissance and Middle Ages that rubs shoulders with the occasional incognito rock song at most Renaissance festivals. And we have a lot of fun playing it.

The album "On the Drift" is a tribute album to the film "Serenity" and the TV series "Firefly" so may not have an immediate appeal to those not in the know but they are still a group well worth discovering if you like your music to have some passion. Their love of the Serenifly 'verse is apparent in their every note and lyric. For hardcore Browncoats the album is a must!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Blogger Upgraded

So they have upgraded Blogger huh?

I haven't been over here very much lately, most of my time has been spent working on my WordPress site and trying to keep up with my life in general.

Over the next coup0le of weeks I will be having a bit of a twiddle with this site, just seeing what the bells and whistles sound like.

I will be using the Windows Live Writer to keep this site updated from now on, hopefully that will encourage me to post a little more, too!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Serenifly props

Just some of the props that were on view at the LFACC in June 2006, to see a more complete set of my badly taken photos pop along to:
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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Like most of the 'coats out there I have had my flabber ghasted by "Universal" and their attitude to the on-going fan marketing of Joss Whedon's Serenifly 'verse.They wanted our help,we gave it to them, now they want us to pay them for the privilege?
I realize that my grasp of the legal situation is tenuous at best, but the law and logic often follow different paths, and that seems to be the case here.
The work done by the fans (particularly 11thhour) encouraged me to do my little bit to promote the film "Serenity", I even used some of the poster artwork 11thhour created to get the word out.As several have already mentioned, the company are playing a dangerous game here, as any future attempt by them to use viral marketing may well be directly impacted by what happens over the next week or so.
I for one will be paying close attention.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Just trying out "Picasa" as a blogging tool. I guess it will take some getting used to!
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Friday, July 14, 2006

So how have you been? I have had one of those lingering summer colds, a touch of what they call "man-flu". I still amnaged to get to the LFACC, though, and met up with Nathan Fillion! He was great, spending as much time with each of the fans as he could and making us all feel loved.
Alan was there too, though meeting him again only a few weeks after Milton Keynes made it not seem as special, though it was still good to see him again.
The pic is of Nathan and Alan giving a "Serenifly" talk, which was of course hi-larious!
There should be a podcast of the talk itself, when a link is available I will stick it in here somewhere. Probably.
There were quite a few props from "Serenity" and "Firefly" too, plus the chance to meet some old friends and make some new ones, so all in all a very Shiny day indeed!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Collectormania 9

OK, so I have been a tad remiss in my Blogging, just the one entry and that a few months back! So what can I write about? Me and the Mrs had an Anniversary (our Fourth) at the end of April, went up to Milton Keynes (UK) for Collectormania 9. Not every ones idea of an anniversary break, but we enjoyed ourselves seeing some old friends and making some new ones. Plus the chance to meet some BDH's! (thats Big Damn Heroes)
Alan Tudyk and Ron Glass were at this event, stars from the TV series "Firefly" and movie "Serenity", plus we got to meet Anthony Stewart Head from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and see plenty of other guests too. You cn see a few of my photos - here.

I should be heading to the London Film and Comic Con in a few weeks, hope to run into Nathan Fillion there, get to meet Captain Tight Pants himself.
Well, lets hope I don't leave it so long between blogs this time, Stay Shiny and watch out for themReavers.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Well, I have heard of blogs, but I have never even seen one, yet here I am making one!
I am a fan of Mr Joss Whedon, Buffy, Angel and the Firefly 'verse. I am what is referred to as a "Browncoat", which means I actively try and introduce people to the wit and wisdom of Joss Whedon. SOme have said that the world is split up in to two categories, those that think Joss is a genius, and those that are wrong, I prefer to think of the second group not as wrong, but just as not yet having had the chance to get to know him.
The cancelled Sci-Fi TV show Firefly was recently given another chance, this time as a movie called "Serenity". Though very critically acclaimed, the public failed to show up, maybe due to the recent dissappointment of other Sci-Fi films such as "Chronicles of Riddick" and "Star Wars III". The DVD sales are going well in the US, though, and will be released in the UK (where I is) towards the end of February. Go get it, you won't be dissappointed!