So how have you been? I have had one of those lingering summer colds, a touch of what they call "man-flu". I still amnaged to get to the LFACC, though, and met up with Nathan Fillion! He was great, spending as much time with each of the fans as he could and making us all feel loved.
Alan was there too, though meeting him again only a few weeks after Milton Keynes made it not seem as special, though it was still good to see him again.
The pic is of Nathan and Alan giving a "Serenifly" talk, which was of course hi-larious!
There should be a podcast of the talk itself, when a link is available I will stick it in here somewhere. Probably.
There were quite a few props from "Serenity" and "Firefly" too, plus the chance to meet some old friends and make some new ones, so all in all a very Shiny day indeed!
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